I don't really like this game. It takes forever and it requires some kind of math skills and so it just seems like homework to me. Give me a trivia game or something involving pantomime and I will kick your butt. Monopoly makes me say, "Meh". BUT, it has delightful colors and so it is an excellent fashion inspiration.
Casie's look:
Today I am inspired by the Monopoly game board. I never noticed until I started really looking at it that it greatly resembles some of the work of Mondrian. I am SOOOO arty. Can you smell the sophistication?
jacket- thrifted
scarf- Ebay
dress and tights- Target
shoes- ancient find at Nordstrom Rack
scarf- Ebay
dress and tights- Target
shoes- ancient find at Nordstrom Rack
Jilli's look:
Lisa and Kaitlin's looks:
"I have to give Kaitlin credit for our outfits today - it was her idea to be the little plastic houses and motels from Monopoly. She loves to play, but the game goes on so long we seldom give in to starting a game. I have gotten very good at losing all my money (to shorten the game)!!!"
Kim's look:
Monday challenge: In honor of my niece Kaitlin who came up with this one...
The Mr. Men
**if you do not know these children's book characters, here is a handy chart for you. A little hard to read, so here's a link:http://home.comcast.net/~toy-addict/HTML/MrMen/MrMenchart.jpg?iact=hc&vpx=893&vpy=189&dur=38&hovh=169&hovw=299&tx=195&ty=91&sig=115668887272116571651&ei=h4AHT4ryBsSRiQLaubHGCQ&page=1&tbnh=85&tbnw=151&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0
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